Tables are also a part of data visualization. Elegant tables may make your article better for the editors/reviewers.
Title: Early Remdesivir to Prevent Progression to Severe Covid-19 in Outpatients
Journal: The New England Journal of Medicine
Authors: Gottlieb RL, Vaca CE, Paredes R, et al.
Year: 2022
PMID: 34937145
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2116846
library(fabricatr) # to fabricate fake data
library(finalfit) # to create final output tables
library(flextable) # to create/modify/format tables for reporting and publications
library(ftExtra) # extensions for flextable package
library(officer) # to manipulate Word document
group_remdecivir <- fabricate(
N = 279,
age = round(rnorm(N, mean = 50, sd = 15)),
bmi = round(rnorm(N, mean = 31.2, sd = 6.7), 1),
dur_symptoms = round(runif(N, min = 1.5, max = 8)),
dur_since_sirs = round(runif(N, min = 0, max = 4)),
viral_load = round(rnorm(N, mean = 6.31, sd = 1.75), 3),
sex = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.53),
residence_usa = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .946),
white = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.817),
black = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.072),
american_indian_native = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.054),
asian_native = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.025),
hispanic = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.441),
other = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.011),
diabetes = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .62),
obesity = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .552),
ht = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .495),
lung = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .24),
cancer = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .043),
cardiac = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .072),
immune = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .05),
kidney = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .025),
liver = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .004),
residence_nursing = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.029),
group = "Remdesivir") %>%
group_placebo <- fabricate(
N = 283,
age = round(rnorm(N, mean = 51, sd = 15)),
bmi = round(rnorm(N, mean = 30.8, sd = 5.8), 1),
dur_symptoms = round(runif(N, min = 2, max = 8)),
dur_since_sirs = round(runif(N, min = 0, max = 5)),
viral_load = round(rnorm(N, mean = 6.28, sd = 1.79), 3),
sex = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.512),
residence_usa = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .943),
white = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.792),
black = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.078),
american_indian_native = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.074),
asian_native = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.025),
hispanic = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.396),
other = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.007),
diabetes = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .611),
obesity = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .551),
ht = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .459),
lung = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .24),
cancer = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .064),
cardiac = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .085),
immune = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .032),
kidney = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .039),
liver = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .004),
residence_nursing = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.025),
group = "Placebo"
) %>%
combined_dataset <- bind_rows(group_remdecivir, group_placebo) %>%
mutate (patient_id = paste0("P_", row_number())) %>%
select(patient_id, group, everything(), -ID) %>%
mutate(group = fct_relevel(group, "Remdesivir", "Placebo"),
age_category_over60 = factor(if_else(age >= 60, "yes", "no")),
age_category_under18 = factor(if_else(age < 18, "yes", "no"))) %>%
mutate_if(is.integer, as.factor) %>%
mutate(sex = fct_recode(sex, "female" = "0", "male" = "1")) %>%
mutate(across((residence_usa:residence_nursing), ~ fct_recode(., "no" = "0", "yes" = "1"))) %>%
add_column(age_category = "yes", # I added three columns. This is my trick to add empty rows into the table. We can merge them in flextable step.
race_ethnic = "yes",
comorbidities = "yes")
Possible strategy: Tables are good to present the exact data. but not that good as an informative figure, however, they are needed to present scientific data. I always use {finalfit} package to prepare my tables. It is life-saver and saved my hours-days in my projects. Not only table-1, also great for logistic regression, Cox regression, multilevel/multivariable analysis.
After I realized that finalfit object is a data.frame, I added all tidyverse tricks to improve my tables with R codes. Because Microsoft Word file is used to submit our papers, I added {flextable}, {officer}, {ftExtra} packages into my workflow. Although there are other tools to present tables in R, {flextable} seems the best for a word output.
explanatory <- combined_dataset %>%
select(age, age_category, age_category_over60, age_category_under18, sex, residence_usa, race_ethnic, white:other, bmi,comorbidities, diabetes:residence_nursing, dur_symptoms:viral_load) %>%
dependent <- "group"
finalfit_table <- combined_dataset %>%
mutate(across(c(age_category_over60, age_category_under18, residence_usa:residence_nursing), ~fct_relevel(., "yes", "no"))) %>% # This is my trick to remove "no" rows in the flextable step.
summary_factorlist(dependent = dependent,
explanatory = explanatory,
p = FALSE,
cont_nonpara = c(26, 27),
total_col = TRUE,
add_col_totals = TRUE,
include_col_totals_percent = FALSE,
col_totals_prefix = "N=")
finalfit_table %>%
knitr::kable() %>% kableExtra::kable_styling()
label | levels | Remdesivir | Placebo | Total |
Total N | N=279 | N=283 | N=562 | |
age | Mean (SD) | 49.7 (15.0) | 50.6 (15.0) | 50.2 (15.0) |
age_category | yes | 279 (100.0) | 283 (100.0) | 562 (100.0) |
age_category_over60 | yes | 78 (28.0) | 80 (28.3) | 158 (28.1) |
no | 201 (72.0) | 203 (71.7) | 404 (71.9) | |
age_category_under18 | yes | 2 (0.7) | 1 (0.4) | 3 (0.5) |
no | 277 (99.3) | 282 (99.6) | 559 (99.5) | |
sex | female | 128 (45.9) | 143 (50.5) | 271 (48.2) |
male | 151 (54.1) | 140 (49.5) | 291 (51.8) | |
residence_usa | yes | 263 (94.3) | 267 (94.3) | 530 (94.3) |
no | 16 (5.7) | 16 (5.7) | 32 (5.7) | |
race_ethnic | yes | 279 (100.0) | 283 (100.0) | 562 (100.0) |
white | yes | 216 (77.4) | 218 (77.0) | 434 (77.2) |
no | 63 (22.6) | 65 (23.0) | 128 (22.8) | |
black | yes | 21 (7.5) | 26 (9.2) | 47 (8.4) |
no | 258 (92.5) | 257 (90.8) | 515 (91.6) | |
american_indian_native | yes | 19 (6.8) | 19 (6.7) | 38 (6.8) |
no | 260 (93.2) | 264 (93.3) | 524 (93.2) | |
asian_native | yes | 7 (2.5) | 5 (1.8) | 12 (2.1) |
no | 272 (97.5) | 278 (98.2) | 550 (97.9) | |
hispanic | yes | 117 (41.9) | 110 (38.9) | 227 (40.4) |
no | 162 (58.1) | 173 (61.1) | 335 (59.6) | |
other | yes | 5 (1.8) | 1 (0.4) | 6 (1.1) |
no | 274 (98.2) | 282 (99.6) | 556 (98.9) | |
bmi | Mean (SD) | 31.0 (6.8) | 30.6 (5.9) | 30.8 (6.4) |
comorbidities | yes | 279 (100.0) | 283 (100.0) | 562 (100.0) |
diabetes | yes | 171 (61.3) | 173 (61.1) | 344 (61.2) |
no | 108 (38.7) | 110 (38.9) | 218 (38.8) | |
obesity | yes | 144 (51.6) | 143 (50.5) | 287 (51.1) |
no | 135 (48.4) | 140 (49.5) | 275 (48.9) | |
ht | yes | 133 (47.7) | 112 (39.6) | 245 (43.6) |
no | 146 (52.3) | 171 (60.4) | 317 (56.4) | |
lung | yes | 62 (22.2) | 61 (21.6) | 123 (21.9) |
no | 217 (77.8) | 222 (78.4) | 439 (78.1) | |
cancer | yes | 9 (3.2) | 13 (4.6) | 22 (3.9) |
no | 270 (96.8) | 270 (95.4) | 540 (96.1) | |
cardiac | yes | 13 (4.7) | 25 (8.8) | 38 (6.8) |
no | 266 (95.3) | 258 (91.2) | 524 (93.2) | |
immune | yes | 14 (5.0) | 9 (3.2) | 23 (4.1) |
no | 265 (95.0) | 274 (96.8) | 539 (95.9) | |
kidney | yes | 7 (2.5) | 10 (3.5) | 17 (3.0) |
no | 272 (97.5) | 273 (96.5) | 545 (97.0) | |
liver | yes | 2 (0.7) | 2 (0.7) | 4 (0.7) |
no | 277 (99.3) | 281 (99.3) | 558 (99.3) | |
residence_nursing | yes | 8 (2.9) | 8 (2.8) | 16 (2.8) |
no | 271 (97.1) | 275 (97.2) | 546 (97.2) | |
dur_symptoms | Median (IQR) | 5.0 (3.0 to 6.0) | 5.0 (4.0 to 6.0) | 5.0 (3.0 to 6.0) |
dur_since_sirs | Median (IQR) | 2.0 (1.0 to 3.0) | 3.0 (1.0 to 4.0) | 2.0 (1.0 to 3.0) |
viral_load | Mean (SD) | 6.4 (1.9) | 6.4 (1.9) | 6.4 (1.9) |
modified_finalfit_table <- finalfit_table %>%
dplyr::mutate(across((Remdesivir:Total), ~ if_else(label == "Total N", paste0("(", . , ")"), .))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(across((Remdesivir:Total), ~ if_else(label %in% c("age", "bmi", "viral_load"), str_replace_all(., " \\(", "±"), . ))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(across((Remdesivir:Total), ~ if_else(label %in% c("age", "bmi", "viral_load"), str_replace_all(., "\\)", ""), . ))) %>%
filter(levels != "no") %>%
filter(levels != "male") %>%
mutate(levels = if_else(levels %in% c("Median (IQR)", "Mean (SD)"), " ", levels),
across(Remdesivir:Total, ~str_replace_all(., " to ", "-")), # , "Total" were removed.
across(Remdesivir:Total, ~str_replace_all(., "\\.0", "")), # , "Total" were removed.
levels = str_remove_all(levels, "yes"),
label = fct_recode(label,
"Characteristic" = "Total N",
"Age—yr" = "age",
"≥60 yr" = "age_category_over60",
"<18 yr" = "age_category_under18",
"Female sex — no. (%)" = "sex",
"Residence in the United States — no. (%)" = "residence_usa",
"White" = "white",
"Black" = "black",
"American Indian or Alaska Native" = "american_indian_native",
"Asian, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander" = "asian_native",
"Hispanic or Latinx" = "hispanic",
"Other" = "other",
"Body-mass index" = "bmi",
"Diabetes mellitus" = "diabetes",
"Obesity" = "obesity",
"Hypertension" = "ht",
"Chronic lung disease" = "lung",
"Current cancer" = "cancer",
"Cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease" = "cardiac",
"Immune compromise" = "immune",
"Chronic kidney disease, mild or moderate" = "kidney",
"Chronic liver disease" = "liver",
"Residence in skilled nursing facility — no. (%)" = "residence_nursing",
"Median duration of symptoms before first infusion (IQR) — days" = "dur_symptoms",
"Median time since RT-PCR confirmation of SARS-CoV-2 (IQR) — days" = "dur_since_sirs",
"Mean SARS-CoV-2 RNA nasopharyngeal viral load — log~10~ copies/ml" = "viral_load")) %>%
modified_finalfit_table %>%
knitr::kable() %>% kableExtra::kable_styling()
label | Remdesivir | Placebo | Total |
Characteristic | (N=279) | (N=283) | (N=562) |
Age—yr | 49.7±15 | 50.6±15 | 50.2±15 |
age_category | 279 (100) | 283 (100) | 562 (100) |
≥60 yr | 78 (28) | 80 (28.3) | 158 (28.1) |
<18 yr | 2 (0.7) | 1 (0.4) | 3 (0.5) |
Female sex — no. (%) | 128 (45.9) | 143 (50.5) | 271 (48.2) |
Residence in the United States — no. (%) | 263 (94.3) | 267 (94.3) | 530 (94.3) |
race_ethnic | 279 (100) | 283 (100) | 562 (100) |
White | 216 (77.4) | 218 (77) | 434 (77.2) |
Black | 21 (7.5) | 26 (9.2) | 47 (8.4) |
American Indian or Alaska Native | 19 (6.8) | 19 (6.7) | 38 (6.8) |
Asian, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander | 7 (2.5) | 5 (1.8) | 12 (2.1) |
Hispanic or Latinx | 117 (41.9) | 110 (38.9) | 227 (40.4) |
Other | 5 (1.8) | 1 (0.4) | 6 (1.1) |
Body-mass index | 31±6.8 | 30.6±5.9 | 30.8±6.4 |
comorbidities | 279 (100) | 283 (100) | 562 (100) |
Diabetes mellitus | 171 (61.3) | 173 (61.1) | 344 (61.2) |
Obesity | 144 (51.6) | 143 (50.5) | 287 (51.1) |
Hypertension | 133 (47.7) | 112 (39.6) | 245 (43.6) |
Chronic lung disease | 62 (22.2) | 61 (21.6) | 123 (21.9) |
Current cancer | 9 (3.2) | 13 (4.6) | 22 (3.9) |
Cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease | 13 (4.7) | 25 (8.8) | 38 (6.8) |
Immune compromise | 14 (5) | 9 (3.2) | 23 (4.1) |
Chronic kidney disease, mild or moderate | 7 (2.5) | 10 (3.5) | 17 (3) |
Chronic liver disease | 2 (0.7) | 2 (0.7) | 4 (0.7) |
Residence in skilled nursing facility — no. (%) | 8 (2.9) | 8 (2.8) | 16 (2.8) |
Median duration of symptoms before first infusion (IQR) — days | 5 (3-6) | 5 (4-6) | 5 (3-6) |
Median time since RT-PCR confirmation of SARS-CoV-2 (IQR) — days | 2 (1-3) | 3 (1-4) | 2 (1-3) |
Mean SARS-CoV-2 RNA nasopharyngeal viral load — log~10~ copies/ml | 6.4±1.9 | 6.4±1.9 | 6.4±1.9 |
set_flextable_defaults( = "Open Sans",
font.size = 10,
padding.bottom = 3, = 3,
padding.left = 3,
padding.right = 3)
table_1 <- modified_finalfit_table %>%
flextable() %>%
add_header_lines("[Table 1.]{color=#BD272E} Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of the Patients at Baseline.") %>%
align(part = "all", align = "center", j=2:ncol(modified_finalfit_table)) %>%
border_remove(.) %>%
hline(part="header", i = 1) %>%
hline_bottom(part="body", border = fp_border(color="black")) %>%
hline_top(part="header", border = fp_border(color="black")) %>%
vline_left(border = fp_border(color="black")) %>%
vline_right(border = fp_border(color="black")) %>%
bold(part="header", i = 1:2) %>%
bold(part="body", i = 1) %>%
padding( part = "body", j = 1, i = c(4,5,9:14,17:25), padding.left = 30) %>%
bg(bg = "#FFF8E7", part = "body", i=seq(2,nrow(modified_finalfit_table), 2)) %>%
bg(bg = "#F5EFE7", part = "header", i=1) %>%
colformat_md(j = 1, part = "body") %>%
colformat_md(j = 1, part = "header") %>%
set_header_labels(i = 1, "label"=" ") %>%
compose(i = 3, j=1:ncol(modified_finalfit_table), value = as_paragraph("Age category — no. (%)"), part = "body") %>%
merge_h (i = 3) %>%
compose(i = 8, j=1:ncol(modified_finalfit_table), value = as_paragraph("Race or ethnic group — no. (%)"), part = "body") %>%
merge_h (i = 8) %>%
compose(i = 16, j=1:ncol(modified_finalfit_table), value = as_paragraph("Coexisting conditions — no. (%)"), part = "body") %>%
merge_h (i = 16) %>%
footnote(part = "header", i = 1, value = as_paragraph("Plus–minus values are means ±SD. IQR denotes interquartile range, RT-PCR reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction, and SARS-CoV-2 severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2."), ref_symbols = "\U2606") %>%
footnote(part = "body", i = 7, j = 1, value = as_paragraph("Race and ethnic group were reported by the patients. Patients could have had more than one race or ethnic group."), ref_symbols = "\U2020") %>%
footnote(part = "body", i = 29, j = 1, value = as_paragraph("Data are shown for the virologic analysis set, which is defined in the statistical analysis plan (available with the protocol at 215 of 279 patients (77.1%) in the remdesivir group and 213 of 283 patients (75.3%) in the placebo group."), ref_symbols = "\U2021") %>%
hline_bottom(part="footer", border = fp_border(color="black")) %>%
width(j = 1, 8.6, "cm") %>%
width(j = 2:4, 3.6, "cm") %>%
# table_1
sect_properties_portrait <- prop_section(
page_size = page_size(orient = "portrait",
width = 11.7, height = 8.3),
type = "nextPage",
page_margins = page_mar()
path = here::here("content", "blog", "2022-02-07-week-4",paste0("table_1", ".docx")),
pr_section = sect_properties_portrait)
Ali Guner (Feb 7, 2022) Week-4. Retrieved from
@misc{ 2022-week-4,
author = { Ali Guner },
title = { Week-4 },
url = { },
year = { 2022 }
updated = { Feb 7, 2022 }