

Feb 7, 2022 | 11 minutes read

Categories: table

Tags: table1, finalfit, flextable, ftExtra

Tables are also a part of data visualization. Elegant tables may make your article better for the editors/reviewers.

Selected article:

Title: Early Remdesivir to Prevent Progression to Severe Covid-19 in Outpatients
Journal: The New England Journal of Medicine
Authors: Gottlieb RL, Vaca CE, Paredes R, et al.
Year: 2022
PMID: 34937145
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2116846

Table 1

library(fabricatr)      # to fabricate fake data

library(finalfit)       # to create final output tables
library(flextable)      # to create/modify/format tables for reporting and publications
library(ftExtra)        # extensions for flextable package
library(officer)        # to manipulate Word document        

group_remdecivir <- fabricate(
  N = 279,
  age = round(rnorm(N, mean = 50, sd = 15)),
  bmi = round(rnorm(N, mean = 31.2, sd = 6.7), 1),
  dur_symptoms = round(runif(N, min = 1.5, max = 8)),
  dur_since_sirs = round(runif(N, min = 0, max = 4)),
  viral_load = round(rnorm(N, mean = 6.31, sd = 1.75), 3),
  sex = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.53),
  residence_usa = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .946),
  white = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.817),
  black = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.072),
  american_indian_native = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.054),
  asian_native = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.025),
  hispanic = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.441),
  other = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.011),
  diabetes = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .62),
  obesity = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .552),
  ht = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .495),
  lung = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .24),
  cancer = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .043),
  cardiac = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .072),
  immune = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .05),
  kidney = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .025),
  liver = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .004),
  residence_nursing = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.029),
  group = "Remdesivir") %>%

group_placebo <- fabricate(
  N = 283,
  age = round(rnorm(N, mean = 51, sd = 15)),
  bmi = round(rnorm(N, mean = 30.8, sd = 5.8), 1),
  dur_symptoms = round(runif(N, min = 2, max = 8)),
  dur_since_sirs = round(runif(N, min = 0, max = 5)),
  viral_load = round(rnorm(N, mean = 6.28, sd = 1.79), 3),
  sex = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.512),
  residence_usa = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .943),
  white = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.792),
  black = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.078),
  american_indian_native = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.074),
  asian_native = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.025),
  hispanic = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.396),
  other = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.007),
  diabetes = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .611),
  obesity = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .551),
  ht = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .459),
  lung = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .24),
  cancer = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .064),
  cardiac = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .085),
  immune = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .032),
  kidney = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .039),
  liver = draw_binary(N = N, prob = .004),
  residence_nursing = draw_binary(N = N, prob = 0.025),
  group = "Placebo"
  ) %>%

combined_dataset <- bind_rows(group_remdecivir, group_placebo)  %>% 
  mutate (patient_id = paste0("P_", row_number())) %>% 
  select(patient_id, group, everything(), -ID) %>% 
  mutate(group = fct_relevel(group, "Remdesivir", "Placebo"),
         age_category_over60 = factor(if_else(age >= 60, "yes", "no")),
         age_category_under18 = factor(if_else(age < 18, "yes", "no"))) %>% 
  mutate_if(is.integer, as.factor) %>% 
  mutate(sex = fct_recode(sex, "female" = "0", "male" = "1")) %>% 
  mutate(across((residence_usa:residence_nursing), ~ fct_recode(., "no" = "0", "yes" = "1"))) %>% 
  add_column(age_category = "yes",      # I added three columns. This is my trick to add empty rows into the table. We can merge them in flextable step. 
             race_ethnic = "yes",       
             comorbidities = "yes")     

Possible strategy: Tables are good to present the exact data. but not that good as an informative figure, however, they are needed to present scientific data. I always use {finalfit} package to prepare my tables. It is life-saver and saved my hours-days in my projects. Not only table-1, also great for logistic regression, Cox regression, multilevel/multivariable analysis.

After I realized that finalfit object is a data.frame, I added all tidyverse tricks to improve my tables with R codes. Because Microsoft Word file is used to submit our papers, I added {flextable}, {officer}, {ftExtra} packages into my workflow. Although there are other tools to present tables in R, {flextable} seems the best for a word output.

explanatory <-  combined_dataset %>% 
  select(age, age_category, age_category_over60, age_category_under18, sex, residence_usa, race_ethnic, white:other, bmi,comorbidities, diabetes:residence_nursing, dur_symptoms:viral_load) %>% 

dependent <- "group"

finalfit_table <- combined_dataset %>% 
  mutate(across(c(age_category_over60, age_category_under18, residence_usa:residence_nursing), ~fct_relevel(., "yes", "no"))) %>%       # This is my trick to remove "no" rows in the flextable step.
  summary_factorlist(dependent = dependent, 
                     explanatory = explanatory,
                     p = FALSE,
                     cont_nonpara = c(26, 27),
                     total_col = TRUE,
                     add_col_totals = TRUE,
                     include_col_totals_percent = FALSE,
                     col_totals_prefix = "N=")
finalfit_table %>% 
        knitr::kable() %>% kableExtra::kable_styling()
label levels Remdesivir Placebo Total
Total N N=279 N=283 N=562
age Mean (SD) 49.7 (15.0) 50.6 (15.0) 50.2 (15.0)
age_category yes 279 (100.0) 283 (100.0) 562 (100.0)
age_category_over60 yes 78 (28.0) 80 (28.3) 158 (28.1)
no 201 (72.0) 203 (71.7) 404 (71.9)
age_category_under18 yes 2 (0.7) 1 (0.4) 3 (0.5)
no 277 (99.3) 282 (99.6) 559 (99.5)
sex female 128 (45.9) 143 (50.5) 271 (48.2)
male 151 (54.1) 140 (49.5) 291 (51.8)
residence_usa yes 263 (94.3) 267 (94.3) 530 (94.3)
no 16 (5.7) 16 (5.7) 32 (5.7)
race_ethnic yes 279 (100.0) 283 (100.0) 562 (100.0)
white yes 216 (77.4) 218 (77.0) 434 (77.2)
no 63 (22.6) 65 (23.0) 128 (22.8)
black yes 21 (7.5) 26 (9.2) 47 (8.4)
no 258 (92.5) 257 (90.8) 515 (91.6)
american_indian_native yes 19 (6.8) 19 (6.7) 38 (6.8)
no 260 (93.2) 264 (93.3) 524 (93.2)
asian_native yes 7 (2.5) 5 (1.8) 12 (2.1)
no 272 (97.5) 278 (98.2) 550 (97.9)
hispanic yes 117 (41.9) 110 (38.9) 227 (40.4)
no 162 (58.1) 173 (61.1) 335 (59.6)
other yes 5 (1.8) 1 (0.4) 6 (1.1)
no 274 (98.2) 282 (99.6) 556 (98.9)
bmi Mean (SD) 31.0 (6.8) 30.6 (5.9) 30.8 (6.4)
comorbidities yes 279 (100.0) 283 (100.0) 562 (100.0)
diabetes yes 171 (61.3) 173 (61.1) 344 (61.2)
no 108 (38.7) 110 (38.9) 218 (38.8)
obesity yes 144 (51.6) 143 (50.5) 287 (51.1)
no 135 (48.4) 140 (49.5) 275 (48.9)
ht yes 133 (47.7) 112 (39.6) 245 (43.6)
no 146 (52.3) 171 (60.4) 317 (56.4)
lung yes 62 (22.2) 61 (21.6) 123 (21.9)
no 217 (77.8) 222 (78.4) 439 (78.1)
cancer yes 9 (3.2) 13 (4.6) 22 (3.9)
no 270 (96.8) 270 (95.4) 540 (96.1)
cardiac yes 13 (4.7) 25 (8.8) 38 (6.8)
no 266 (95.3) 258 (91.2) 524 (93.2)
immune yes 14 (5.0) 9 (3.2) 23 (4.1)
no 265 (95.0) 274 (96.8) 539 (95.9)
kidney yes 7 (2.5) 10 (3.5) 17 (3.0)
no 272 (97.5) 273 (96.5) 545 (97.0)
liver yes 2 (0.7) 2 (0.7) 4 (0.7)
no 277 (99.3) 281 (99.3) 558 (99.3)
residence_nursing yes 8 (2.9) 8 (2.8) 16 (2.8)
no 271 (97.1) 275 (97.2) 546 (97.2)
dur_symptoms Median (IQR) 5.0 (3.0 to 6.0) 5.0 (4.0 to 6.0) 5.0 (3.0 to 6.0)
dur_since_sirs Median (IQR) 2.0 (1.0 to 3.0) 3.0 (1.0 to 4.0) 2.0 (1.0 to 3.0)
viral_load Mean (SD) 6.4 (1.9) 6.4 (1.9) 6.4 (1.9)

modified_finalfit_table <- finalfit_table %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(across((Remdesivir:Total), ~ if_else(label == "Total N", paste0("(", . , ")"), .))) %>%   
  dplyr::mutate(across((Remdesivir:Total), ~ if_else(label %in% c("age", "bmi", "viral_load"), str_replace_all(., " \\(", "±"), . ))) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(across((Remdesivir:Total), ~ if_else(label %in% c("age", "bmi", "viral_load"), str_replace_all(., "\\)", ""), . ))) %>% 
  filter(levels != "no") %>% 
  filter(levels != "male") %>% 
  mutate(levels = if_else(levels %in% c("Median (IQR)", "Mean (SD)"), " ", levels),
         across(Remdesivir:Total, ~str_replace_all(., " to ", "-")), # , "Total" were removed.
         across(Remdesivir:Total, ~str_replace_all(., "\\.0", "")), # , "Total" were removed.
         levels = str_remove_all(levels, "yes"),
         label = fct_recode(label,
                             "Characteristic" = "Total N",
                             "Age—yr" = "age",
                             "≥60 yr" = "age_category_over60",
                             "<18 yr" = "age_category_under18",
                             "Female sex — no. (%)" = "sex",
                             "Residence in the United States — no. (%)" = "residence_usa",
                             "White" = "white",
                             "Black" = "black",
                             "American Indian or Alaska Native" = "american_indian_native",
                             "Asian, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander" = "asian_native",
                             "Hispanic or Latinx" = "hispanic",
                             "Other" = "other",
                             "Body-mass index" = "bmi",
                             "Diabetes mellitus" = "diabetes",
                             "Obesity" = "obesity",
                             "Hypertension" = "ht",
                             "Chronic lung disease" = "lung",
                             "Current cancer" = "cancer",
                             "Cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease" = "cardiac",
                             "Immune compromise" = "immune",
                             "Chronic kidney disease, mild or moderate" = "kidney",
                             "Chronic liver disease" = "liver",
                             "Residence in skilled nursing facility — no. (%)" = "residence_nursing",
                             "Median duration of symptoms before first infusion (IQR) — days" = "dur_symptoms",
                             "Median time since RT-PCR confirmation of SARS-CoV-2 (IQR) — days" = "dur_since_sirs",
                             "Mean SARS-CoV-2 RNA nasopharyngeal viral load — log~10~ copies/ml" = "viral_load")) %>% 
modified_finalfit_table %>% 
        knitr::kable() %>% kableExtra::kable_styling()
label Remdesivir Placebo Total
Characteristic (N=279) (N=283) (N=562)
Age—yr 49.7±15 50.6±15 50.2±15
age_category 279 (100) 283 (100) 562 (100)
≥60 yr 78 (28) 80 (28.3) 158 (28.1)
<18 yr 2 (0.7) 1 (0.4) 3 (0.5)
Female sex — no. (%) 128 (45.9) 143 (50.5) 271 (48.2)
Residence in the United States — no. (%) 263 (94.3) 267 (94.3) 530 (94.3)
race_ethnic 279 (100) 283 (100) 562 (100)
White 216 (77.4) 218 (77) 434 (77.2)
Black 21 (7.5) 26 (9.2) 47 (8.4)
American Indian or Alaska Native 19 (6.8) 19 (6.7) 38 (6.8)
Asian, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander 7 (2.5) 5 (1.8) 12 (2.1)
Hispanic or Latinx 117 (41.9) 110 (38.9) 227 (40.4)
Other 5 (1.8) 1 (0.4) 6 (1.1)
Body-mass index 31±6.8 30.6±5.9 30.8±6.4
comorbidities 279 (100) 283 (100) 562 (100)
Diabetes mellitus 171 (61.3) 173 (61.1) 344 (61.2)
Obesity 144 (51.6) 143 (50.5) 287 (51.1)
Hypertension 133 (47.7) 112 (39.6) 245 (43.6)
Chronic lung disease 62 (22.2) 61 (21.6) 123 (21.9)
Current cancer 9 (3.2) 13 (4.6) 22 (3.9)
Cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease 13 (4.7) 25 (8.8) 38 (6.8)
Immune compromise 14 (5) 9 (3.2) 23 (4.1)
Chronic kidney disease, mild or moderate 7 (2.5) 10 (3.5) 17 (3)
Chronic liver disease 2 (0.7) 2 (0.7) 4 (0.7)
Residence in skilled nursing facility — no. (%) 8 (2.9) 8 (2.8) 16 (2.8)
Median duration of symptoms before first infusion (IQR) — days 5 (3-6) 5 (4-6) 5 (3-6)
Median time since RT-PCR confirmation of SARS-CoV-2 (IQR) — days 2 (1-3) 3 (1-4) 2 (1-3)
Mean SARS-CoV-2 RNA nasopharyngeal viral load — log~10~ copies/ml 6.4±1.9 6.4±1.9 6.4±1.9

set_flextable_defaults( = "Open Sans",
        font.size = 10,
        padding.bottom = 3, = 3,
        padding.left = 3,
        padding.right = 3)

table_1 <- modified_finalfit_table %>% 
  flextable() %>% 
  add_header_lines("[Table 1.]{color=#BD272E} Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of the Patients at Baseline.") %>% 
  align(part = "all", align = "center", j=2:ncol(modified_finalfit_table)) %>% 
  border_remove(.) %>% 
  hline(part="header", i = 1) %>% 
  hline_bottom(part="body", border = fp_border(color="black")) %>%
  hline_top(part="header", border = fp_border(color="black")) %>% 
  vline_left(border = fp_border(color="black")) %>%
  vline_right(border = fp_border(color="black")) %>% 
  bold(part="header", i = 1:2) %>% 
  bold(part="body", i = 1) %>% 
  padding( part = "body", j = 1, i = c(4,5,9:14,17:25), padding.left = 30) %>% 
  bg(bg = "#FFF8E7", part = "body", i=seq(2,nrow(modified_finalfit_table), 2)) %>% 
  bg(bg = "#F5EFE7", part = "header", i=1) %>% 
  colformat_md(j = 1,  part = "body") %>% 
  colformat_md(j = 1, part = "header") %>% 
  set_header_labels(i = 1, "label"=" ") %>% 
  compose(i = 3, j=1:ncol(modified_finalfit_table),  value = as_paragraph("Age category — no. (%)"), part = "body") %>% 
  merge_h (i = 3) %>% 
  compose(i = 8, j=1:ncol(modified_finalfit_table),  value = as_paragraph("Race or ethnic group — no. (%)"), part = "body") %>% 
  merge_h (i = 8) %>% 
  compose(i = 16, j=1:ncol(modified_finalfit_table),  value = as_paragraph("Coexisting conditions — no. (%)"), part = "body") %>% 
  merge_h (i = 16) %>% 
  footnote(part = "header", i = 1, value = as_paragraph("Plus–minus values are means ±SD. IQR denotes interquartile range, RT-PCR reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction, and SARS-CoV-2 severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2."), ref_symbols = "\U2606") %>% 
  footnote(part = "body", i = 7, j = 1, value = as_paragraph("Race and ethnic group were reported by the patients. Patients could have had more than one race or ethnic group."), ref_symbols = "\U2020") %>% 
  footnote(part = "body", i = 29, j = 1, value = as_paragraph("Data are shown for the virologic analysis set, which is defined in the statistical analysis plan (available with the protocol at 215 of 279 patients (77.1%) in the remdesivir group and 213 of 283 patients (75.3%) in the placebo group."), ref_symbols = "\U2021") %>% 
  hline_bottom(part="footer", border = fp_border(color="black")) %>% 
  width(j = 1, 8.6, "cm") %>% 
  width(j = 2:4, 3.6, "cm") %>% 

# table_1
sect_properties_portrait <- prop_section(
  page_size = page_size(orient = "portrait",
    width = 11.7, height = 8.3),
  type = "nextPage",
  page_margins = page_mar()

             path = here::here("content", "blog", "2022-02-07-week-4",paste0("table_1", ".docx")),
              pr_section = sect_properties_portrait)

replica Table 1

  1. finalfit output is good enough. However, because we prefer .docx output for the submission process, It may be a good idea to modify it with code. It gives you reproducibility. flextable and ftExtra is great complements to finalfit output.
  2. If a word file has more than two pages, It gives repeated header to each pages in word file. No solution via R, however, can be changed in word’s table properties-> Row-> Uncheck “Repeat as header at the top of each page”.


For attribution, please cite this work as

Ali Guner (Feb 7, 2022) Week-4. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

@misc{ 2022-week-4,
 author = { Ali Guner },
 title = { Week-4 },
 url = { },
 year = { 2022 }
 updated = { Feb 7, 2022 }

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