

May 6, 2022 | 9 minutes read

Categories: table

Tags: finalfit, flextable, regression

Another table with the power of finalfit and flextable packages.
This time it includes uni- and multi-variable “REGRESSION” analysis.

It is all automated.

Selected article:

Title: Rates of re-excision and conversion to mastectomy after breast-conserving surgery with or without oncoplastic surgery: a nationwide population-based study
Journal: British Journal of Surgery
Authors: Heeg E, Jensen MB, Hölmich LR, et al.
Year: 2020
PMID: 32761931
DOI: 10.1002/bjs.11838




group_no_reexcision <- fabricate(
  N = 15425,
  group = "no reexcision",
  type_of_surgery = c(rep("BCS", 11128), rep("Volume displacement", 3567), rep("Volume reduction", 609), rep("Volume replacement", 121)),
  year = c(rep("2012", 2295), rep("2013", 2332), rep("2014", 2330), rep("2015", 2208), rep("2016", 2144), rep("2017", 2083), rep("2018", 2033)),
  age = round(rnorm(N, mean = 61.8, sd = 11.6), 2),
  charlson = c(rep("0", 11790), rep("1", 2148), rep("2", 962), rep("≥3", 525)),
  histology = c(rep("Ductal", 12614), rep("Lobuler", 1527), rep("Other", 1269), rep("Unknown", 15)),
  diff = c(rep("I", 4246), rep("II", 6658), rep("III", 3141), rep("Not determined", 1269), rep("Unknown", 111)),
  oestrogen = c(rep("<10", 1902), rep("≥10", 13490), rep("Unknown", 33)),
  her2 = c(rep("Negative", 13775), rep("Positive", 1496), rep("Unknown", 154)),
  t_stage = c(rep("T1", 12284), rep("T2", 3097), rep("T3", 37), rep("Unknown", 7)),
  n_stage = c(rep("N0", 10865), rep("N1", 3501), rep("N2", 521), rep("N3", 243), rep("Unknown", 295)))  %>% 
  as_tibble() %>% 
  mutate(across(type_of_surgery:n_stage, sample)) # This is to shuffle the dataset without changing proportions
group_reexcision <- fabricate(
  N = 2763,
  group = "reexcision",
  type_of_surgery = c(rep("BCS", 2057), rep("Volume displacement", 604), rep("Volume reduction", 70), rep("Volume replacement", 32)),
  year = c(rep("2012", 372), rep("2013", 401), rep("2014", 421), rep("2015", 418), rep("2016", 389), rep("2017", 393), rep("2018", 369)),
  age = round(rnorm(N, mean = 59.9, sd = 11.2), 2),
  charlson = c(rep("0", 2197), rep("1", 352), rep("2", 156), rep("≥3", 58)),
  histology = c(rep("Ductal", 2163), rep("Lobuler", 361), rep("Other", 236), rep("Unknown", 3)),
  diff = c(rep("I", 563), rep("II", 1300), rep("III", 606), rep("Not determined", 236), rep("Unknown", 58)),
  oestrogen = c(rep("<10", 370), rep("≥10", 2377), rep("Unknown", 16)),
  her2 = c(rep("Negative", 2311), rep("Positive", 420), rep("Unknown", 32)),
  t_stage = c(rep("T1", 2018), rep("T2", 693), rep("T3", 48), rep("Unknown", 4)),
  n_stage = c(rep("N0", 1784), rep("N1", 719), rep("N2", 152), rep("N3", 70), rep("Unknown", 38)))  %>% 
  as_tibble() %>% 
  mutate(across(type_of_surgery:n_stage, sample)) # This is to shuffle the dataset without changing proportions

combined_dataset <-  bind_rows(group_no_reexcision, group_reexcision)  %>% 
  as_tibble() %>% 
  mutate (patient_id = paste0("P_", row_number())) %>% 
  select(patient_id, group, everything(), -ID) %>% 
  mutate_if(is_character, factor) %>% 
  mutate(patient_id = as.character(patient_id),
         group = fct_relevel(group, "no reexcision", "reexcision"),
         type_of_surgery = fct_relevel(type_of_surgery, "BCS", "Volume displacement", "Volume reduction", "Volume replacement"),
         charlson = fct_relevel(charlson, "0", "1", "2", "≥3")) 

## # A tibble: 10 × 12
##    patie…¹ group type_…² year    age charl…³ histo…⁴ diff  oestr…⁵ her2  t_stage
##    <chr>   <fct> <fct>   <fct> <dbl> <fct>   <fct>   <fct> <fct>   <fct> <fct>  
##  1 P_9651  no r… BCS     2012   55.4 2       Ductal  II    ≥10     Posi… T1     
##  2 P_7886  no r… BCS     2016   49.0 0       Ductal  Not … ≥10     Nega… T1     
##  3 P_2871  no r… BCS     2015   43.3 1       Ductal  I     ≥10     Nega… T1     
##  4 P_12107 no r… BCS     2014   44.6 0       Lobuler II    ≥10     Nega… T1     
##  5 P_8900  no r… Volume… 2015   57.5 0       Ductal  II    ≥10     Nega… T2     
##  6 P_4870  no r… Volume… 2012   55.7 0       Ductal  III   ≥10     Nega… T1     
##  7 P_2751  no r… BCS     2016   51.8 0       Ductal  II    <10     Nega… T1     
##  8 P_16860 reex… BCS     2014   73.8 0       Ductal  III   ≥10     Nega… T1     
##  9 P_123   no r… BCS     2017   71.2 0       Ductal  II    ≥10     Nega… T1     
## 10 P_10473 no r… Volume… 2017   61.3 0       Ductal  I     ≥10     Nega… T1     
## # … with 1 more variable: n_stage <fct>, and abbreviated variable names
## #   ¹​patient_id, ²​type_of_surgery, ³​charlson, ⁴​histology, ⁵​oestrogen

Possible strategy:

I ll use similar approach as was done in Week 4.

The major problem in the table is adding wald test results.
I ll do this with the tidyverse approach as well as the finalfit package.
regTermTest from {survey} can also be used for Wald test.

explanatory <-  combined_dataset %>% 
  select(type_of_surgery,  year , age, charlson, histology, diff, oestrogen, her2, t_stage, n_stage) %>% 

dependent <- "group"

finalfit_table <- combined_dataset %>% 
  finalfit(dependent = dependent, 
           explanatory = explanatory,
           add_dependent_label = FALSE,
           column = FALSE)

# finalfit_table

### Wald test results is not included in formal analysis. Because they are in the table, we should calculate them in another analysis (surely with finalfit package)
wald_table <- combined_dataset %>% 
  summary_factorlist(dependent = dependent, 
                     explanatory = explanatory,
                     p = TRUE,
                     p_cat = "chisq")

# wald_table

modified_finalfit_table <- finalfit_table %>% 
  separate("no reexcision", into = c("n", "perc"), sep = " ") %>% 
  mutate(n = as.numeric(n)) %>% 
  mutate(n = if_else(n / 1000 > 10, format(n, big.mark = " ", digits = 1, scientific = FALSE), as.character(n)),
         n = paste0(n, " ", perc)) %>% 
  rename("no reexcision" = "n") %>% 
  select(-perc) %>% 
  add_row(levels = "Type of surgery", .before = which(finalfit_table$label == explanatory[1])) %>% 
  add_row(levels = "Year of operation", .before = which(finalfit_table$label == explanatory[2])+1) %>% 
  add_row(levels = "Charlson Co-morbidity Index score", .before = which(finalfit_table$label == explanatory[4])+2) %>% 
  add_row(levels = "Histological finding", .before = which(finalfit_table$label == explanatory[5])+3) %>% 
  add_row(levels = "Differentiation grade", .before = which(finalfit_table$label == explanatory[6])+4) %>% 
  add_row(levels = "Oestrogen receptor (%)", .before = which(finalfit_table$label == explanatory[7])+5) %>% 
  add_row(levels = "HER2 status", .before = which(finalfit_table$label == explanatory[8])+6) %>% 
  add_row(levels = "T category", .before = which(finalfit_table$label == explanatory[9])+7) %>% 
  add_row(levels = "N category", .before = which(finalfit_table$label == explanatory[10])+8) %>% 
  mutate(levels = if_else(levels == "Mean (SD)", "Age (years)*", levels)) %>% 
  select(-label) %>% 
  add_column(p = "") %>% 
  mutate(p = case_when(levels == "Type of surgery" ~ wald_table %>% filter(label == "type_of_surgery") %>% pull(p),
                       levels == "Year of operation" ~ wald_table %>% filter(label == "year") %>% pull(p),
                       levels == "Age (years)*" ~ wald_table %>% filter(label == "age") %>% pull(p),
                       levels == "Charlson Co-morbidity Index score" ~ wald_table %>% filter(label == "charlson") %>% pull(p),
                       levels == "Histological finding" ~ wald_table %>% filter(label == "histology") %>% pull(p),
                       levels == "Differentiation grade" ~ wald_table %>% filter(label == "diff") %>% pull(p),
                       levels == "Oestrogen receptor (%)" ~ wald_table %>% filter(label == "oestrogen") %>% pull(p),
                       levels == "HER2 status" ~ wald_table %>% filter(label == "her2") %>% pull(p),
                       levels == "T category" ~ wald_table %>% filter(label == "t_stage") %>% pull(p),
                       levels == "N category" ~ wald_table %>% filter(label == "n_stage") %>% pull(p))) %>% 
  mutate(across(2:(ncol(finalfit_table)), ~if_else(, "", .))) %>% 
  add_column(empty = "", .after = "reexcision") %>% 
  mutate(across(5:6, ~str_remove_all(., ", p.{0,6}"))) %>% 
  mutate(across(2:(ncol(finalfit_table)), ~if_else(. == "-", "1⋅00 (reference)", .))) %>% 
  mutate(across(1:(1 + ncol(finalfit_table)), ~str_replace_all(., "\\.", "⋅"))) %>% 
  mutate(across(5:6, ~str_replace_all(., "-", ", "))) %>%
  rename("P‡" = p)

set_flextable_defaults( = "Helvetica Neue",
        font.size = 13,
        line_spacing = 1.1)

table_3 <-  modified_finalfit_table %>% 
  flextable() %>% 
  set_table_properties(width = 1, layout = "autofit") %>% 
  set_header_labels(i = 1,  "levels" = "", "no reexcision" = paste0("No\n(n = ",format(combined_dataset %>% filter(group == "no reexcision") %>% nrow(), big.mark = " ") ,")"),
                    "reexcision" = paste0("Yes\n(n = ",combined_dataset %>% filter(group == "reexcision") %>% nrow() ,")"),
                    "empty" = "",
                    "OR (univariable)" = paste0("Univariable\nanalysis (n = ",format(combined_dataset %>% nrow(),big.mark = " ") ,")"),
                    "OR (multivariable)" = paste0("Multivariable\nanalysis (n = ",format(combined_dataset %>% nrow(),big.mark = " ") ,")")) %>% 
  padding(part = "body", j = 1, padding.left = 10) %>% 
  padding(part = "body", j = 1, i = c(2:5,7:13, 16:19, 21:24, 26:30, 32:34, 36:38, 40:43, 45:49), padding.left = 25) %>% 
  padding(part = "footer", j = 1, padding.left = 0, padding.right = 0) %>% 
  align(part = "all", align = "center", j=2:(1+ncol(finalfit_table))) %>% 
  add_header_row(values = c("", "Re-excision", "" , "Odds ratio†", ""), colwidths = c(1,2,1,2,1)) %>% 
  border_remove(.) %>% 
  add_header_lines(" Table 3 Univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses of characteristics predictive of re-excision") %>% 
  hline(part="header", i = 1) %>%
  hline(part="header", i = 2, j = 2:3) %>% 
  hline(part="header", i = 2, j = 5:6) %>% 
  hline_bottom(part="body", border = fp_border(color="black")) %>%
  hline_top(part="header", border = fp_border(color="black")) %>% 
  vline_left(border = fp_border(color="black")) %>%
  vline_right(border = fp_border(color="black")) %>% 
  fix_border_issues() %>% 
  bold(part = "body", j = 1, i = c(1,6, 14, 15, 20, 25, 31, 35, 39, 44)) %>% 
  bold(part = "header") %>% 
  bg(bg = "#E0E5ED", part = "body", i=seq(1,nrow(modified_finalfit_table), 2)) %>% 
  bg(bg = "#B8C8DB", part = "header", i=1) %>% 
  # footnote(part = "header", i = 2, j = 5:6, value = as_paragraph("Wald test."), ref_symbols = "\U2020") # This can be used to add manual reference to individual cell
  # footnote(part = "header", i = 3, j = 7, value = as_paragraph("Wald test."), ref_symbols = "\U2021") # This can be used to add manual reference to individual cell
  add_footer_lines("Values in parentheses are percentages unless indicated otherwise; *values are mean(s.d.) and †values in parentheses are 95 per cent confidence intervals. BCS, breast-conserving surgery; HER2, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2. †Adjusted for type of surgery, year of operation, age, histological finding, differentiation grade, oestrogen receptor, HER2 status, T and N category. ‡Wald test.") %>% 
  style(part = "footer", i = 1, pr_t = fp_text(font.size=14,"Open Sans Condensed Light")) 

sect_properties_portrait <- prop_section(
  page_size = page_size(orient = "portrait",
    width = 11.7, height = 8.3),
  type = "nextPage",
  page_margins = page_mar()

             path = here::here("content", "blog", "2022-05-06-week-9",paste0("table_3", ".docx")),
              pr_section = sect_properties_portrait)

replica Table 3

  1. Univariable test results are as they are. MV analysis results are different than original because it is not easy to fabricate totally similar relationships among variables (at least for me).
  2. Wald test may not be needed in this analysis. They seem useless. Odds ratios with confidence intervals are good enough.
  3. Wald test results are different than the values presented in the original table. I do not know the reason, possibly my mistake (or authors), not sure.


For attribution, please cite this work as

Ali Guner (May 6, 2022) Week-9. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

@misc{ 2022-week-9,
 author = { Ali Guner },
 title = { Week-9 },
 url = { },
 year = { 2022 }
 updated = { May 6, 2022 }

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