
W11: Custom summary table

Oct 13, 2023 | 2 minutes read

Categories: table

Tags: grouped summary

a question from twitter by JulienMouchnino,
can we prepare grouped summary table with flextable?

Although this is not related to medicine, can be used in any table, therefore I shared it here.

requested table


Possible strategy:

Although gt() packages provide row-based, column-based and all-based summary table, I prefer to complete summary as I desire.

Then, I use flextable() to modify my summarized tibble.

summary_col <- mtcars %>% 
        summarise(nb = n(), .by = c(cyl, gear, am)) %>%
        arrange(cyl, gear, am) %>% 
        pivot_wider(names_from = "am",
                    values_from = "nb",
                    names_prefix = "am_",
                    values_fill = 0)  %>% 
        mutate(total = am_0 + am_1)
summary_row <- summary_col %>% 
        summarise(across(am_0:total, sum), .by = c("cyl")) %>%
        add_column(gear = "Total", .after = "cyl")

summary_all <- summary_row %>% 
        summarise(across(am_0:total, sum)) %>% 
        add_column(gear = "", .before = 1) %>% 
        add_column(cyl = "Total", .before = 1) 

summary_table <- bind_rows(
        summary_row %>% 
                  mutate(across(everything(), as.character)),
        summary_col %>% 
                  mutate(across(everything(), as.character)),
        summary_all %>% 
                  mutate(across(everything(), as.character))) %>% 
        arrange(cyl, gear) %>% 
        mutate(across(am_0:total, ~str_replace_all(., "0", NA_character_))) 
col_table_border <- "#a6a6a6"
col_table_bg <- "#e6e6e6"

flex_summary <- summary_table %>% 
        flextable() %>% 
        border_remove() %>% 
        set_table_properties(width = 1, layout = "autofit") %>% 
        hline(part = "all", border = fp_border(color = col_table_border)) %>% 
        vline(part = "all", border = fp_border(color = col_table_border)) %>% 
        border_outer(border = fp_border(color = col_table_border), part = "all") %>% 
        set_header_labels(cyl = "# Cylinders",
                          gear = "# Gears",
                          am_0 = "0",
                          am_1 = "1",
                          total = "Total") %>% 
        fix_border_issues() %>% 
        merge_v(j = "cyl") %>% 
        bold(part = "header") %>% 
        bold(part = "body", j = 1:2) %>% 
        align(part = "header", align = "left") %>% 
        align(j = 3:5, align = "right") %>% 
        bg(part = "header", bg = col_table_bg) %>% 
        bg(part = "body", j = 1:2, bg = col_table_bg) %>% 
        font(fontname = "Helvetica")
             path = here::here("content", "blog", "2023-10-13-week-11", paste0("flex_summary", ".docx")))

replica summary table


For attribution, please cite this work as

Ali Guner (Oct 13, 2023) W11: Custom summary table. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

@misc{ 2023-w11-custom-summary-table,
 author = { Ali Guner },
 title = { W11: Custom summary table },
 url = { },
 year = { 2023 }
 updated = { Oct 13, 2023 }

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